Core Faculty
Core Faculty

Joanna Slusky
Research: Exploring membrane protein folding through protein design, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.

Ilya Vakser
Director, Professorvakser@ku.edu
Research: ​Molecular Recognition in Structural Bioinformatics
Research Faculty
Research Faculty
Affiliate Faculty
Affiliate Faculty

Brian Ackley
Associate Professor, Co-Director, Undergraduate Biology Programbdackley@ku.edu
Research: Interaction between neurons and their environment.

Malay Basu
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicinembasu@kumc.edu
- Computational Genomics
- Bioinformatics and computational biology
- Evolutionary and comparative genomics

Kyle Camarda
Associate Professorcamarda@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-2908
Research: High-performance computing for design of new biological agents.

Roberto De Guzman
Research: Structural studies of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions in bacterial and viral pathogenesis.

Susan Egan
Office Phone: 785-864-4294
Research: Molecular mechanisms of bacterial transcription activation; AraC family proteins.

Christopher Fischer
Professor, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomyshark@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-4579
Research: Kinetics and the thermodynamics of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions.

Ryan Funk
Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practiceryanfunk@kumc.edu
Research: Pediatrics, Clinical Pharmacology, Rheumatology

Robert Hanzlik
Emeritus Professorrhanzlik@ku.edu
Research: Medicinal Chemistry. Identification and proteomic analysis of target proteins in relation to cytotoxicity of chemically reactive metabolites. Mechanistic studies of cytochrome P450 family enzymes.

Leslie Heckert
Professor, Marion M. Osborn Professor for Reproductive Scienceslheckert@kumc.edu
Research: Molecular mechanisms that regulate cellular differentiation and organ development of the reproductive system.

P. Scott Hefty
Professor, MB Chair, Director and PI, Center for Chemical Biology of Infectious Disease (CoBRE)pshefty@ku.edu
Research: Mechanisms of developmental gene regulation and pathogenesis for Chlamydia.

Erik Holmstrom
Assistant Professorerik.d.holmstrom@ku.edu
Research: Single-molecule biophysical studies of RNA-protein interactions

Krzysztof Kuczera
Office Phone: 785-864-5060
Research: Methods of modern computational chemistry to study structure, dynamics and thermodynamics of complex molecular systems.

Erik Lundquist
Professor, Associate Vice Chancellor for Researcherikl@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-5853
Research: Molecular signaling events that underlie cellular morphogenesis.

Stuart Macdonald
Professor, Associate Chair, Department of Molecular Biosciencessjmac@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-5362
Research: Genetics of complex traits, Genome biology, Drosophila quantitative genetics.

Russ Middaugh
Emeritus - Distinguished Professormiddaugh@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-5813
Research: Stability of peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, macromolecular assemblies, virus like particles, viruses and bacteria that are of pharmaceutical interest

Bozenna Pasik-Duncan
Office Phone: 785-864-5162
Research: Stochastic adaptive control and Mathematics and Science education.

Christian Schöneich
Takeru Higuchi Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dept. Chair - Pharmaceutical Chemistryschoneic@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-4880
Research: Oxidative post-translational modification of proteins in vitro and in vivo.

Peter Smith
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Senior Associate Dean for Research, School of Medicine, Wineinger Endowed Professor, Molecular and Integrative Physiologypsmith@kumc.edu
Research: Nerve regulation in a variety of systems including the cardiovascular system, eye, skin, and reproductive tract.

Barbara Timmermann
University Distinguished Professor, Department Chair - Medicinal Chemistrybtimmer@ku.edu
Office Phone: 785-864-4844
Research: Natural products at chemistry-biology interface.

Robert Unckless
Associate Professorunckless@ku.edu
Research: Evolutionary genetics and genomics of insect immune defense.

Cuncong Zhong
Associate Professorcczhong@ku.edu
Research: Metagenomics, cancer genomics, non-coding RNA function and structures, machine learning, and algorithms and data structures